
Thursday 21 May 2015

SQL Tutorial

Welcome to SQL tutorial. In this tutorial you will find all concepts of SQL.

  1. SQL Introduction
  2. Database Servers
  3. DDL Statements - Create Table with Auto Increments, Drop Table, Alter Table
  4. DCL Statements - Constraints like Not null, Identity, unique, primary key, foreign key, Check, Default
  5. DML Statements - Insert rows, Delete rows, Truncate table, Update rows, Insert into Select, Select into
  6. DQL statements - Select data from table
  7. SQL Keywords - Distinct, where, and, or, order by, select top, like, in, between
  8. SQL Keywords -Union, Minus, Group By, Having, Limit, Top, Intersect, Exists
  9. SQL -Index, sequence, nextval
  10. SQL Aliases
  11. SQL Joins - Inner, left, right, full
  12. SQL Views
  13. SQL date and time functions - dateadd, datediff, sysdate
  14. SQL Null functions
  15. SQL String Functions - ucase, lcase, mid, len, rtrim, ltrim, replace, instr, Convert, format
  16. SQL Maths and Statistical functions - avg, min. max, first, last, count, sum
  17. Advanced SQL - Rank
  18. PL-SQL - Programming constructs 

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